
Meet our Teachers

Professor Dr. Biplabkumar Mozumder


We can believe in change. Contact no: 01715-170768, E-mail:[email protected]

Md. Insan Ali


“Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave.” – Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) Contact: 01726-377350 E-mail:

Md. Anwarul Islam

Associate Professor

কতো দেহ এলো,- গেল,- হাত ছুঁয়ে-ছুঁয়ে, দিয়াছি ফিরায়ে সব,- সমুদ্রের জলে দেহ ধুয়ে Contact: 01715249758 E-mail: [email protected]

Md. Mostafizur Rahman (Raju)

Associate Professor

"To be or not to be, that is the question." -Shakespeare Contact: 01716438802 E-mail: [email protected]

Prokash Chandra Shil

Associate Professor

"History is a set of lies agreed upon." - Napoleon Bonaparte Contact: ০১৭১৫২১০৪৩১ E-mail: [email protected]

Md. Mahedur Rahman

Assistant Professor

“অদ্ভুত আঁধার এক এসেছে এ-পৃথিবীতে আজ, যারা অন্ধ সবচেয়ে বেশি আজ চোখে দেখে তারা" - জীবনান্দ দাশ Contact: 01722456812 E-mail: [email protected]

Shamim Ahmed

Assistant Professor

"Every action (force) in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction"- Newton Contact: 01718031451 E-mail: [email protected]

Jobaida Naznin Ila

Assistant Professor

Our world is built on Biology. Contact: 01718-675317 E-mail:

Md. Shohiduzzaman


"In every atom, a universe unfolds." Contact: 01714967356 E-mail:

Umme Kulsum


Contact:01711399840, E-mail:[email protected]